
End of Level Exams

At the end of each level completed at FBUTÖMER, our studens take the end of level exams. In these exams, reading, listening, writing and speaking skills and also grammer are assessed. Students who are successful in the end of course exams gain the right to continue to the next level. A student who cannot pass the threshold point in at most one of the skills is taken to the make-up exam for a single skill. When the student fails more than one skill or the total score of the four skills obtained as a result of the exam is <60, he is considered unsuccessul and repeats the failed level. A skill is 25 points and the student must pass at least 15 points to successfully complete each skill.

Comprehension Listening 25 15
  Reading 25 15
Speaking Dialog 15 9
  Speaking  10 6
Writing Written Expression  25 15
TOPLAM 100 60

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